google ad grants

Google Ad Grant Services
for Non-Profits

Google gives non-profits up to $10,000 of free pay per click (PPC) budget a month with their Google Ad Grants program. This means free online advertising money to promote your website to people interested in your mission. This is a boost for your website traffic to thousands of extra monthly visitors. I am able to optimise your account to get the most out of this free budget.

You want your charity to get noticed, communicate information, provide services. You want your non-profit to receive more donations, volunteers and support for your mission. Your website plays a very important part in this. But how do you guarantee it attracts visitors that are interested in what you have to say? That’s where Google Ad Grants help tremendously.

Search engine optimization techniques can enhance your chances in the long term. Backlinks and referrals from other websites help too. You can get faster results with paid advertising, which is targeted and powerful. But it’s costly and too expensive for non-profits. Fortunately you can take advantage of paid advertising for free thanks to Google Ad Grants program.

How do you apply for a Google Ad Grant account?

The application process depends on your country. Find out if your charity is qualified| Create an application

Are you able to maintain a Google Ads account?

Your non-profit needs to have staff with the time and the competences to manage the Ad Grant account. You have to spend time on a regular basis to maintain your Ads. Google insists that you login at least once per month or else you risk losing the grant. Can you craft concise, persuasive text ads, and select phrases and keywords to attract the right website visitors? You also have to learn the skills to analyse the results and adjust your Ad Campaigns accordingly to make the maximumout of your free budget.

Ideally your employees have enough capacity to learn the skills. Or…

Hire me to handle your Google Ad Grants account

You’ll find an account that is optimised to spend as much of this yearly $120,000 budget as possible. An account that concentrates on promoting your site’s most important content, and is tracked and optimized for results.

I build ad campaigns, write ads and select suitable keywords for your audience. Once your account is up and running, I analyze the data on a continuous basis. I make alterations to keywords and ads to constantly improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

You receive a quarterly report, with charts so that you can see what is working and what needs further adjustment. Do you want to see what work I have done on your account? Google Ads records every step. You can log in at any time to convince yourself how the ad campaigns are performing or analyze the traffic with the free Google Analytics tool.

I highly encourage your suggestions of areas of your website for promotion. You can also be as involved as you want in the wording of ads. You can either leave it in my capable hands, or we collaborate to have the best outcome. We could arrange a session with your team to think of advertising ideas. I may make recommendations for improving your web site pages, to achieve even better results.

Monthly Ad Grant management

$250 a month

  • I manage your account
  • Build ad campaigns
  • Optimise for best results
  • Focus on real life results that reflect your mission
  • Keep your account compliant with policies
  • No setup fees, no contracts.

One-off Audit of your Google Ad Grant account

Account health check $250

  • Policy compliance check
  • Optimisation recommendations
  • Help reactivate if suspended
  • Customized report with actionable improvement steps

Contact me to find out more about how I can help to increase your website traffic and raise awareness for your non-profit’s mission.