Google AdWords Account Management Checklist

Routine Tasks To Optimize Performance


Now you’ve set up your first campaigns in Google AdWords successfully and think you can lean back and all work is done? If you truly want to make the most out of your PPC budget, the real work begins now. But it’s as well the most fun part, as it’s super exciting to analyse the data and improve. Ping Marketing’s Google AdWords Account Management Checklist gives you a pointer what to look out for on a routinely basis. Every account is different so the tasks have to be adapted as needed.

Weekly Tasks:

  • Budget on track? In case you are overspending, decrease keyword bids.
  • Conversions? Shift budget from low performing campaigns to better performing campaigns.
  • Change Bid strategy? In case you are bidding manually, check which keywords don’t deliver conversions or are too expensive. When using automated bidding pause any keywords that have high spend but don’t convert.
  • Pause Keywords that don’t convert or have a low CTR
  • Review Search Query Report, add converting queries as new keywords in new ad groups. When you constantly add new keywords don’t forget to check for duplicate keywords. What words from the long-tail queries represent a negative keyword? Add them as broad match to your negative keyword list.
  • Display Network: exclude expensive placements that don’t convert and make sure the campaigns are utilising site category exclusions.

Monthly Tasks:

  • Strategic Review, in times when Googles AI is getting better and better, Marketing Agencies are in the lucky position to concentrate more on the big picture and work with the data which is available in abundance.
  • Targeting: Check the location report, adapt bidding on better performing regions and exclude non targeting areas. Adapt bidding on devices (how are computer, tablets and mobiles performing?) and maybe schedule (are ads performing better on certain days or hours of day? ).
  • Review of Ads: Write new ads to test once you gathered at least 30 impressions to evaluate performance and pause underperforming ads.
  • Review/ test landing pages: here Google Analytics data might help. Analyse visitor behaviour to evaluate new landing pages and check whether the already existing landing pages convert. Consider playing with different CTA, copy and pictures.
  • General cleaning, could also include making long term comparisons to adapt according to any seasonal effect. Cross check the settings of each campaign, whether you accidentally changed one setting.

Sounds like a lovely idea but you have no clue what the blog was talking about? Or no time? Don’t worry, check Ping Marketing Strategies Google AdWords offers or send us a message!