pay per click google ads

Google Ads; everything you need to know

Today’s economy is one that is hyper-competitive; businesses need to ensure that they create powerful market strategies that will help them remain relevant in the business world. One of these strategies is the use of Google Ads (formally known as Google AdWords). It is one of the major examples of a Paid-Per-Click (PPC) promotional campaign. As the most popular search engine used all over the globe, the efficacy of Google Ads remains unchallenged.

In order to understand the ins and outs of Google Ads, we need to understand what PPC is.

Paid-Per-Click, or PPC, is an advertising model that allows advertisers –usually businesses– to pay for every click on their respective ads. The way this works is; advertisers bid for a placement of their ad. Their ad placement is heavily reliant on the size of their bid and how relevant their keywords are. If the ad is clicked on, they owe money to the search engine.
Such an investment can be great for quick exposure in a very competitive market. There are various instances when search engines even reduce the prices for highly relevant ads that prove to be useful in landing clicks thus allowing businesses to have higher profit margins.

How does Google Ads work in the PPC system?

There is a reason why google earns in the billions by being a platform for advertisements, it is highly effective. The way Google Ads works is, as a search query is added onto the engine, Google looks through the giant pool of advertisers. The selection of the ad depends on 2 basic things:
  • Quality: A quality score is one factor that determines your ad rank. It entails analysis of the number of clicks your ads generate, the relevance of your business to the keywords and the quality of your website’s landing page.
  • Amount of your bid: The CPC bid is the other factor that helps Google determine if your ad will be placed at the top. The CPC bid is the highest bid by an advertiser in the system.
If you are successful in getting clicks for your ad, you will be charged your minimum bid. As mentioned above, it can help increase profitability of your business and Google Ads (due to the frequency with which it is used) since it cuts cost.

What does the updated interface of Google Ads offer?

Google Ads went through a major update in 2018. It now offers more features that can help advertisers carry out successful PPC campaigns. They include:
  • A better dashboard: After you create your profile on Google Ads, you will be directed to your dashboard. Instead of presenting extended data, Google Ads gives recommendations that help to make better decisions.
  • A better recommender: The updated Google Ads can give you better, more specific recommendations that can help you save money and optimise your PPC campaign. It can help by showing you examples of keywords, ones you spend a lot on, that are not performing well, for instance.
  • Predefined graphic reports: One of the most helpful things that Google Ads has integrated into their system is the predefined reports. These present data through graphs and tables which help businesses make quicker, more informed, decisions.
Such a platform for advertisements was especially created for businesses that operate online. It can give them that competitive edge they need to ensure that they remain successful when compared to established businesses.
The three basic benefits that are derived out of PPC campaigns that help businesses massively:
  1. It helps achieve business objectives: PPC can help achieve any business objectives. This could be business growth, higher profit margins, increased brand name, rebranding, approaching a new target market, introducing new products or services and many more. It can help boost the growth of a business in the least amount of time.
  2. You can measure its success: PPC, and specifically Google Ads, runs on a system of statistic, data gathering and analysis. Thus, you can track the level of success of your PPC campaign and make changes to optimize it accordingly. Other promotional campaigns can often get murky and the efficacy may not be easily calculated.
  3. You have major control: With PPC campaigns, you have all the control. The amount of money you want to bid and the keywords you want entered into the system are all decision that you will have to make. All Google Ads does is compare and chose. Thus businesses do not have to worry about outsider influence too much.

If you would like to discuss your Google Ads campaign further do not hesitate to contact Ping. I will be happy to answer.