Google Ads Audit Checklist

This is the template we follow for Google Ads Search Campaigns audit. It’s a living document, so check in once in a while for the latest version! Sorry for the ‘dry’ content, but for Google Ads addicts the article will be exciting 😉

1.   Account Settings

This section captures those key tasks such as linking of google properties like google analytics and having a coherent structure to sail through the account.

  • Is there enough data to assess the account? At least 30 days
  • Is there a coherent naming structure?
  • Are there any IP addresses excluded?

2.   Conversion Tracking

While creating a campaign is of utmost importance, knowing how that campaign has performed can help plan better. Having enabled conversion tracking and defining conversion action helps achieve that objective.

  • Is conversion tracking verified
  • What types of conversions are being used?
  • Are values being used well?
  • What does winning look like?
  • What are all the macro & micro goals?

3.   Campaign Settings

There are certain settings at campaign level that are selected by default. You might want to review them and check what matters most to your business.

  • Which networks are being used?
  • Which delivery method is selected?
  • Which Ad Rotation option is selected?
  • Have ‘All features’ been selected
  • What are the top 1 or 2 campaigns?
  • Which bidding strategies are being used?
  • Are scripts or auto-rules being used?
  • Which bidding strategy is used?

4.   Segmenting campaign data

  • Impression Share: what’s the potential of this account? Is it constrained by Budget or Rank?
  • Top v Other: Is there potential to increase average position?
  • Devices:Which campaigns have mobile turned on? What’s the relative performance?
  • Are there quick wins (turning off, or bidding up)
  • Networks:Are GDN campaigns separate from Search? Is the Search Partner Network being used?
  • Geography: Which locations perform best/ worst? Are there differences in geographic vs user location?
  • Are there quick wins to be had by changing bids?
  • Time: Obvious seasonal patterns? (use 12 months data)

5.   Ad Groups

  • What are the top Ad Groups by cost?
  • Are there big differences in CPA & CTR%?
  • How many groups per campaign?

6.   Ads

Your ads are the face of your business. So, auditing your ads to find performing and underperforming ads carries a lot of weightage. Also, reviewing your ads for compelling message will improve the click rate.

  • Are ads being tested?
  • How many ads are there per group?
  • Are big differences being tested?
  • Is the keyword being used in the ad copy?
  • Is there a CTA used?
  • Is the first Letter of each word capitalized?

7.   Keywords

Using the right set of keywords helps you show your ad for relevant queries. Keeping a track of which keywords are generating traffic and which aren’t helps use your bid appropriately.

  • How many keywords are there per Ad Group?
  • Which match types are being used?
  • What’s the relative performance by type?
  • What are the top 1-5% of keywords?
  • Are there big differences in CPA & CTR%?
  • Check Negative Keywords
  • Is the search query report regularly checked for new opportunities?

8.   Quality Score

An important component that determines how your ads rank in the search results page is the Quality Score. Finding keywords with low QS and optimizing them will directly impact how and where your ad shows.

Chart of quality score for all keywords with impressions

9.   Ad Extensions

Ad Extensions improves your campaign’s CTR which helps leverage your ad’s rank. It gives advertisers the benefit of displaying alternate and useful information that cannot otherwise be captured in the ad copy content.

Which extensions are being used? Check: sitelinks, locations, call, callouts etc

10.Destination URLs

  • Is the homepage being used too much?
  • Is there a wide spread of pages?
  • Does the list look sensible?
  • Visit the page & audit that too!

11.Display Network

  • Which targeting methods are being used?
  • Behavioral: Remarketing, In-Market, Affinity Managed Placements, Contextual
  • Are there placements that should be excluded?
  • Are category exclusions being used?
  • Are lots of image ads being tested?
  • Is DCO being used?